Thursday, August 18, 2016

Avoid Disputes Over Your ADR Process (September Hot Topic Presentation for Division 12)

On September 14, 2016, at 12 p.m. EST, Mike Marra and Rod Toben, Vice Presidents in the AAA Construction Division will present the following:

Avoid Disputes Over Your ADR Process

The purpose of an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause is to resolve disputes, not to create them, but a poorly drafted ADR clause can cause delay and expense if parties disagree about the meaning of the clause. Planning early for possible disputes, and taking the time to draft and negotiate an ADR clause that addresses the particular needs of the parties, will save time later and allow for the most time-and cost-effective dispute resolution process.

This Hot Topic will highlight the essential issues that parties to a construction contract should carefully consider before the contract is executed.

ABA Forum on Construction Law members may call into the conference line at 866-646-6488/613-577-4053.

Mike Marra
Rod Toben